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8/6/01: SCAI's Paradise(R) Now Available for Mac OS X
SCAI today announced the availability of its Paradise middleware product for Mac OS X, enabling distributed networking computing for users of Apple?s next generation operating system.


7/19/01: SCAI's Linda(R) Now Available for Mac OS X
SCAI, experts in parallel and distributed computing with more than 21 years of experience, today announced Linda for Mac OS X.


7/3/01: SCAI and Compaq to provide HPC Solutions for ProLiant Servers
SCAI will provide certified solutions on Compaq's ProLiant line of Intel servers and associated storage subsystems.


4/4/01: SCA and OptTek Announce Parallel OptQuest
SCAI today announced that it has teamed with OptTek to offer Paradise�-enabled Parallel OptQuest.


10/18/00: Compaq AlphaServer SC Series Linda� Enabled
SCAI announced that the Compaq AlphaServer� system, SC series, which targets the high end of the high-performance computing market, is �Linda� enabled�. The AlphaServer SC systems now has available as a native port to Linda� from SCIENTIFIC.


10/17/00: Linda� Supercomputing now available for the PowerPC using Black Lab Linux
SCAI, a leader in high-performance computing software, and Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. are pleased to announce that Linda� Supercomputing is now available for the PowerPC using Black Lab Linux.


10/13/00: Atipa Joins The Linda Club
SCAI, a leader in high-performance computing software, is pleased to announce that Atipa Corporation has joined The Linda Club, a new partnership initiative for Beowulf resellers.


10/6/00: Scientific Computing Associates To Distribute TurboLinux Clustering Products
SCAI, experts in parallel and distributed computing with more than two decades of experience, today announced a strategic agreement with TurboLinux to support and distribute the TurboLinux clustering products.


10/2/00: Universal (H.K.) Co. (Red Hill Technology, Inc.) Becomes Software Distributor for SCAI.
SCAI, a leader in high-performance computing software, is pleased to announce that Universal (H.K.) Co. (Red Hill Technology), a leading supplier of analytical and testing instruments in the China and Hong Kong market, has become a Software Distributor for the SCA Linda� Rainbow of products: Linda�, Paradise�, Piranha�.


5/23/00: PSSC Labs Joins the Linda Club
PSSC Labs, the Beowulf Builders, has joined the Linda Club, a new partnership initiative for Beowulf resellers. Since its inception in 1987, PSSC Labs has prided itself on delivering product that other companies cannot. Their flexibility and understanding of advanced hardware allows PSSC Labs to offer one of the widest range of products and services in the industry.


4/14/00: Microway Joins the Linda Club
Microway, a leading manufacturer of Intel and Alpha clusters and workstations, has joined the Linda Club, a new partnership initiative for Beowulf cluster manufacturers. Microway has been configuring parallel systems with up to 200 processors since 1986 and has consistently stayed on the leading edge of technology with timely, powerful new products since its inception in 1982.

1/27/00: Alta Technology Joins The Linda Club
Alta Technology, one of the fastest growing suppliers of parallel computing systems, has joined the Linda Club, a new partnership initiative for Beowulf resellers. Founded in 1989, Alta Technology has more than ten years of experience in the distributed and parallel processing industry. Alta continues to focus on developing the world's most user-friendly and highly functional distributed network computer systems.

1/17/00: SCAI Announces The Linda Club-- A New Partnership Initiative for Beowulf Resellers
SCAI, a leader in cost-effective and efficient high-performance computing software, has made Beowulf Clusters easier to use with the founding of the Linda Club, a new partnership initiative for Beowulf resellers. This partnership will allow resellers to offer free to their customers a four-node Linux version of Linda, SCIENTIFIC�s powerful software programming language for parallel and distributed computing.


8/18/99: SCA Announces Red Hat Partnership
SCAI today announced that Linda and Paradise, its parallel and distributed computing development tools, now support Red Hat Linux,version 6.0. Trial versions of the software are included on Red Hat's Applications CD, part of Red Hat's Official Linux 6.0 operating system.


11/9/98: Linda and Paradise Now Available for Linux
SCAI today announced that Linda and Paradise, its parallel and distributed computing development tools, are now available for Linux, a free version of UNIX designed to run on Intel-based PCs and Internet servers. The products also support Beowulf clusters, networks of PCs that can be used as an alternative for supercomputing-type processing. Linux versions of Linda and Paradise are currently used by several organizations, including Amaratta Hess, Paralogic, and Emory University.


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